Tag Archives: probate litigation attorney

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Solving Disputes Involving Estates

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Solving Disputes Involving EstatesResolving disputes over estates, wills and trusts is often a delicate process. In a previous post we looked at the definition of a probate dispute (a dispute or conflict among family members that arises while settling a deceased loved one’s estate). As we’d seen, resolution to these conflicts doesn’t always come easily. An experienced probate and dispute litigation attorney can help you navigate the complex and often-confusing situations associated with settling an estate.

Consider a case where I represented two brothers in an estate dispute. The father had died a number of years earlier, and the mother had remarried. Later, both she and her second husband passed away. Before their deaths, the mother and her second husband – the stepfather – had revised their estate plans so the stepdfather’s children were in charge of everything after both parents died.

Instead of selling and distributing the home and assets, the stepsiblings moved into the parents’ home and refused to distribute the estate. (The estate included personal items of my client’s father: military medals, family heirlooms, photos and other irreplaceable family keepsakes). The stepsiblings were even threatening to give away or donate many of these treasured family heirlooms.

I helped resolve this dispute by going to court and obtaining orders to force the stepsiblings to turn over the heirlooms. We negotiated a resolution that saved my clients a lot time, money and further heartache. In the end everything was distributed fairly according to their parents’ wishes.

That was one case, all-too similar to many others. Here are a few questions to consider in estate disputes, where the assistance of a dispute-litigation attorney is beneficial:

  1. Who should be the personal representative or executor?
  2. Is the personal representative or executor doing what he or she is supposed to be doing?
  3. Is the will valid?
  4. Was there a will but is someone hiding it?
  5. Is a stepfather or stepmother in charge of the estate? Or are stepsiblings in charge of the estate?

The best way to solve an estate dispute is to address the issue when it arises, rather than waiting to see how it might play out. Seek the assistance of an experienced litigation attorney as soon as possible after your loved one passes away. This is true whether you have been nominated to be in charge of the estate or if you’re a beneficiary.

With an attorney assisting you in an estate dispute, you will have the advantage of an experienced guide to help you navigate a complex legal system. The dispute will be resolved in less time than if you were to attempt it on your own. You’ll also have peace of mind knowing that the estate will be settled as your loved one intended.

If you have any questions about resolving an estate dispute, please contact our office. We’d love to help.

[will write up an alternate CTA to send people to the quiz/whitepaper that will be the next step in the gravity well]

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Solving Disputes Involving Trusts

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Solving Disputes Involving TrustsDisputes are not uncommon during the administration of a trust. But they can grow into something devastating both financially and emotionally.

Such disputes can become so fierce they can tear a family apart. But if you know of some of the more common trust disputes and how you may prevent them, you’ll go a long way toward ensuring a relatively smooth trust-administration process.

Disputes over trusts arise rise from three basic issues:

  1. Trustee mismanagement. It is not uncommon for a trustee to make mistakes when administering a trust—these mistakes may be intentional or unintentional. A trustee has a fiduciary duty to act in the interest of the trust and the beneficiaries.
  2. Improper trust creation or amendment due to settlor capacity or undue influence. A settlor is the legal term for a person who settles property, through trust, for the benefit of beneficiaries. Settlor capacity refers to whether the settlor was of sound mind and legal age when creating the trust (which can lead to a dispute about improper trust creation). Undue influence occurs when a relative or other party manipulates the settlor to change asset distribution in a trust or will.
  3. Disagreement over how a trust was written. Sometimes a beneficiary wants or needs assets to be distributed differently from what was specified in the trust. Perhaps the trust requires that the funds be held in a trust rather than being distributed outright. A disagreement over disbursement can lead to disputes.

Depending on the nature of a trust dispute, you have a few options. One is to go to court. This might be best when the other parties involved are unwilling to compromise or work together to find a peaceful resolution. Going to court can be time-consuming and expensive, as well as emotionally draining.

Another way to resolve trust disputes is to negotiate a settlement. Negotiation requires that both parties being willing to work together to find a mutually beneficial solution.

This can be challenging in situations where emotions are running high. But in my work with trusts, I’ve applied some basic principles that help clients neutralize conflict in order to avoid a lengthy court battle:

  1. Hire an attorney upfront. This seems self-evident, but many people are afraid of what they see as the cost of an attorney. But a qualified attorney can help parties prevent a loss of funds and an escalation of tension. It may be necessary to hire a lawyer to protect your inheritance. But hiring an attorney for assistance in trust disputes can be vital to preventing further trust mismanagement or other compromises to assets. Be aware that this can change the dynamics of your relationship with the other party involved in the dispute. But you will also have someone who can act on your behalf, and spare you the emotional interchanges that might arise with others in the dispute.
  2. Realize that the person with whom you’re in conflict is also human. Even someone who may have abused trust, failed to perform his or her fiduciary duties or even has broken the law is, after all, human. This person likely feels justified in his or her position. It helps to try to have a conversation to understand the other person and resolve difficulties.
  3. Change your perspective. Consider for a moment the other person and view the situation from his or her perspective. How does that change the way you will make decisions?

At our firm, we approach settling disputes by presenting facts and letting the facts win the case. We have no interest in litigating for the sake of gamesmanship or bravado. It’s not necessary and it’s not in the best interests of our clients.

If you or your family needs assistance with resolving trust disputes or other probate issues, we’d love to help. Give us a call.

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