Petition for Removal of Personal Representative

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Petition for Removal of Personal Representative

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Hey, this is attorney Paul Deloughery. I’ve been practicing probate litigation since 2007. One of the things I often get asked to do is to remove a Personal Representative (also known as the Executor) who is not performing his or her duties. Read more here.

How do you remove a Personal Representative who has already been appointed by the court? You hire a good probate litigation attorney. And that attorney follows A.R.S. Section 14-3611 regarding the removal of a Personal Representative. The attorney will also look at all of the various duties of a Personal Representative and make a list of various ways in which the PR has failed to live up to the required standards.

Here is a list of common failings by a Personal Representatives that can support removal of that person:
1. Failing to provide the heirs with an Inventory and Appraisement within 90 days of being appointed.
2. Failing to sell the house.
3. Failing to fairly distribute the personal property.
4. Failing to file tax returns or pay the taxes.
5. Using the estate money for his or her own personal use. (also referred to as “stealing”)

The nerve-racking part to this is needing to wait. If you didn’t get the Inventory exactly 90 days after the PR was appointed, you can’t file a Petition for Removal of Personal Representative the next day. The courts are fairly forgiving at first. Being two months to provide the Inventory will warrant a status conference with the judge. It won’t be enough to remove the PR yet.

However, there is a tipping point. If the Inventory is late, AND there is evidence that the Personal Representative is not treating the heirs fairly (as required by the Will or statute), AND there is some evidence that the PR is using the estate money personally, then that is probably enough to justify having the court appoint a successor PR.

The best thing to do is to talk to a probate litigation attorney. If you have any questions, give us a call at 602-443-4888. We will listen to your specific situation and tell you your options.

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